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Awaysis Capital, Inc. 2023 Annual Report Notes 👀

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💰 Context

Awaysis Capital buys and develops vacation home communities. They make money by selling finished units and managing rentals. Recently, they've faced challenges with high development costs and competition in the real estate market.


🚀 Trends

In 2023, Awaysis Capital observed several key trends. The demand for vacation rentals has increased, especially in emerging markets like Belize. There is a growing interest in sustainable and eco-friendly properties. The company also noted a rise in competition within the real estate market, making it crucial to identify undervalued assets quickly. Additionally, there has been an increased focus on integrating technology into property management to enhance customer experiences.

💰 Financial Performance

Awaysis Capital reported revenue of $107,760 for the fiscal year 2023, primarily from rental income and sales commissions. Despite this, the company faced an operating loss of $(4,296,058) due to high development and administrative costs. The net loss for the year was $(4,295,446).

📈 Emerging Markets

Awaysis Capital is focusing on emerging markets, particularly in Belize. They have identified and acquired several properties in San Pedro, Belize, which are expected to be part of their initial real estate portfolio. The strategy includes rebranding these properties to fit the Awaysis brand and optimizing them for sales and rental revenues.

🌿 Environmental Initiatives

Awaysis Capital is committed to sustainable development. Their projects aim to incorporate eco-friendly materials and practices. They are also focused on creating properties that blend with the natural environment, promoting sustainability and reducing the carbon footprint.

📱 Key Products

Key products for Awaysis Capital in 2023 included the acquisition and development of several properties in Belize. These properties are being renovated into high-end condominiums and luxury boutique waterfront villas.

📰 Major Announcements

Awaysis Capital announced the acquisition of the Casamora Awaysis Assets in San Pedro, Belize, for $11.4 million. This acquisition is a significant milestone as it marks the company's first major property purchase under its new business strategy.

📊 Market Share

Awaysis Capital is a new entrant in the real estate market, focusing on vacation home communities. While they are still building their portfolio, their strategic acquisitions in emerging markets position them to capture a significant share of the vacation rental market.

🌟 Social Impact

Awaysis Capital aims to positively impact the communities where they develop properties. They focus on creating job opportunities and supporting local businesses. The company also emphasizes the importance of sustainable development and environmental responsibility.

🔮 Future Outlook

Looking ahead, Awaysis Capital plans to expand its property portfolio in Belize and other emerging markets. They aim to increase revenue through property sales and rentals. The company is optimistic about achieving profitability as they complete and sell more units. They also plan to enhance their brand presence and explore new markets in the Caribbean, Europe, and the United States.

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