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Encision Inc. 2024 Annual Report Notes 👀

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💰 Context

Encision Inc. creates special surgical tools that make surgeries safer and more effective. They earn money by selling these tools to hospitals and surgeons. Recently, they've faced challenges like increasing costs and competition from other companies.


🚀 Trends

In 2024, Encision saw a growing trend in the use of minimally-invasive surgeries, which their products support. Hospitals are increasingly looking for safer surgical tools, and Encision's AEM technology is gaining recognition. There's also a push towards reducing hospital waste, making their reusable products more attractive.

💰 Financial Performance

Encision reported a revenue of $6.43 million and a net loss of $691,783 for fiscal year 2024. The earnings per share (EPS) were negative. The company experienced a 7% decrease in revenue compared to the previous year. Stock performance was impacted by higher product costs and decreased surgical procedures.

📈 Emerging Markets

Encision is expanding its reach in international markets like Australia, New Zealand, and Europe. They are working with local distributors to increase the adoption of their AEM technology in hospitals abroad.

🌿 Environmental Initiatives

Encision is committed to reducing hospital waste by promoting their reusable AEM EndoShield 2 Burn Protection System. This system can be used for multiple surgeries without reprocessing, which helps hospitals save costs and reduce environmental impact.

📱 Key Products

Key products launched in 2024 include the AEM EndoShield 2 Burn Protection System and the 2X enTouch Scissors, which offer high performance and cost savings.

📰 Major Announcements

Encision announced a new Proof-of-Concept Services Agreement with Vicarious Surgical Inc. to integrate their AEM technology into robotic-assisted surgeries. They also received a Vizient Innovative Technology Contract, increasing their visibility in the healthcare market.

📊 Market Share

Encision holds a significant market share in the niche of electrosurgical instruments for minimally-invasive surgeries. Their patented technology sets them apart from competitors.

🌟 Social Impact

Encision focuses on improving patient safety and reducing hospital liabilities. They also aim to educate healthcare professionals about the risks of conventional surgical instruments and the benefits of their technology.

🔮 Future Outlook

Encision plans to increase revenue by expanding their product line and improving their sales network. They aim to grow their market share by educating more hospitals and surgeons about the benefits of their AEM technology.

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