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San Juan Basin Royalty Trust – Q2 Earnings Report 2024 👀

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💰 Context

San Juan Basin Royalty Trust earns money by holding royalty interests in oil and gas properties in New Mexico. They face challenges like fluctuating gas prices and high production costs.


🚀 Trends

In 2024, San Juan Basin Royalty Trust noticed several key trends. Natural gas prices have decreased, impacting revenue. Production costs have increased, especially in capital expenditures for new drilling and well recompletions. The company is also focusing on sustainability and accurate reporting of production and financial data.

💰 Financial Performance

San Juan Basin Royalty Trust reported a total income of $1,892,127 for the three months ended June 30, 2024, and $7,000,842 for the six months ended June 30, 2024. Distributable income per unit was $0.022864 for the three months and $0.110671 for the six months. The decrease in income was mainly due to lower natural gas prices and higher production costs.

📈 Emerging Markets

The Trust is not actively expanding into new markets, as it primarily holds interests in existing oil and gas properties in New Mexico. However, it continues to monitor and adapt to market conditions.

🌿 Environmental Initiatives

The Trust is committed to sustainability, focusing on reducing its environmental impact through responsible management of its oil and gas interests. This includes compliance with environmental regulations and investing in projects that minimize ecological disruption.

📱 Key Products

The Trust does not produce products but receives income from the sale of natural gas and oil produced from its royalty interests. Key activities include drilling projects in the Mancos formation and well recompletions in the Mesaverde and Fruitland Coal formations.

📰 Major Announcements

Significant announcements included the transition to Argent Trust Company as the new trustee in February 2024 and updates on the 2024 capital project plan with a budget of $34.0 million.

📊 Market Share

The Trust holds a significant interest in the San Juan Basin's oil and gas production, but its market share is dependent on the performance and production levels of the properties it holds interests in.

🌟 Social Impact

The Trust focuses on transparency and responsible management of its resources. It engages in regular audits and compliance checks to ensure fair distribution of income and adherence to environmental and social standards.

🔮 Future Outlook

The Trust anticipates continued challenges due to fluctuating natural gas prices and high production costs. However, it remains committed to managing its resources responsibly and maximizing income for its unit holders.

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